It seems all I’m doing this Summer, is working the beverage bar for my kids…and the sandwich bar, ice cream bar, and the pancake bar. Before I know it, it’s time for the next meal once I get done cleaning up after the last one. Sheesh! Anyways, I had this fun idea for the kids to try making Kool-Aid Ice Cubes. Well, a certain pixie wanted to add sprinkles to her ice cubes. (Because you know everything is better with sprinkles!)
So this is where our story will begin.
I’m sure most of you have everything on hand to make these. Well, let me rephrase – for your kids to make. Because it’s done in layers. So it’s fun for the kids to come back & see how it’s progressing when the layers are frozen.
Start out with a bright color Kool-Aid. Fill your ice cubes trays less than half full. Freeze for about 20 minutes or so. Next add just a little bit of plain water to your tray. Freeze again for 20 minutes. Then add your last layer of Kool-Aid to the tray. Freeze for about 5-8 minutes & then come back & add a few sprinkles & refreeze for another 20 minutes.
We just added plain water in our cups. But you can add Kool-Aid, juice or whatever your kids like. Obviously with the ice melting, the water started to taste like the Kool-Aid flavor. But it was light & refreshing. Plus, it was a added bonus that I got my kids to drink more water instead of the sugary Kool-Aid.
Needless to say, this pixie was proud of her invention & too sassy for words for a few hours after. 🙂