Truth: I’m pretty much a morning person. I’m happy, and typically looking for the sunshine to start coming through our windows. As long as I’ve had my morning coffee, first.
Envision Cinderella feeding the animals right after she comes down the stairs.
Singing, looking beautiful. 😉 Well, maybe not that last part…
Now envision the step sisters ringing the bells for their breakfast.
All of a sudden, picture me in a grumpy mood.
I hate it when I don’t have a plan for breakfast! Especially on a school morning.

I’ve been having the Mommy guilts over it! Too much fast food & junk food & over processed food, can do that to a mom. You know, give her the guilts, along with adding to her waist line.
But I decided I didn’t want to have the guilts this week nor a bigger waist line.
So I did what Cinderella would do…
I baked & cooked & cleaned all weekend.

I was going to be smart, and make a healthy breakfast for the kids. Even if we were going to be running late this week (which is a high probability) we would FIRST say a prayer that no one would spill it on them on our way to school, and then grab it & go. You see, since we’re still living inbetween houses right now, our commute to school is about 30 minutes each way. Another reason for my “Breakfast on the GO!” idea.

I layered my homemade breads with Greek yogurt (we LOVE the Yoplait Vanilla Greek #notsponsored) with the kids’ favorite fruit:
bananas, strawberries & blueberries.
Nothing else.
Pure food.
Full of protein (thanks to the Greek yogurt) fiber from the fresh fruit, and grains from the breads.
and a prayer that they don’t spill!
No Mom GUILTS!!!

Here’s my recipe for Decadent Chocolate Zucchini Bread