We as people, hold onto to so many things. We want to remember how we felt when we were happy, or with the ones we loved. We will remember what we wore, what we ate, and even what we smelled when we were making memories. I think all of that is why I love this Christmas Jar Mulling Spice gift idea so much. Because you are instantly transporting them (or yourself) to a place where they loved the most or had the best memories. It’s all about stirring the senses to relive those moments again.
“People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
-Maya Angelou
I mean, seriously what better gift can you give then reliving memories?

My husband calls me a hound dog. Because I can smell a mile away what’s going on or what he’s cooking. But this, is the smells I’m sure that heaven is made of! It all smells so lovely together! This idea is not new to most of you, but what I’ve tried to do is make this really easy to give as gifts. Whether you need a hostess, teacher, Sunday school or co worker gift – this is the perfect gift to assemble & using the free printable makes it even cuter!

Okay – so here’s my secret…I buy this this bag of Mulling Spices (which has 16 oz. so you can make multiple jars for your friends and family. Surprisingly, you can get the rest of your supplies while you’re grocery shopping!
The trick to this entire homemade gift idea, is to buy Mulling Spices. One bag will work for 5-8 gifts in a jar ideas. Perhaps, you may just want to do a few jar, and this smaller bag of Mulling Spices would work well for just 2-3 Christmas in a jar – mulling spices gift giving idea. Just to keep on hand for last minute gifts, and this can be done in minutes once you have the supplies! It’s the easiest thing to make & takes minutes of your time and a trip to the grocery store for a few other supplies.
Here’s the supplies you’ll need to make these Christmas in a jar – mulling spices gift giving idea:
*Cutie oranges (small enough to fit in your jar) – or dried oranges
*Rosemary twigs or even Fraser Fir twigs

Then you add them all to a jar (in layers) and print out the printable.
And trust me, those tags (from the printable) inside the jar lids are roughly cut with scissors. No punch needed. Just follow the circle around & it will fit perfectly in between the canning lid.

This printable is for personal use only.
If you are having trouble downloading the label file, please click on the link below. That link will take you directly to the pdf. file. Thank you!