If you’re like me, you have your fingers & toes crossed for Spring like weather!
I need sunshine and I also need warmer temperatures = STAT!
We have had such a mix of weather this week, that I decided I would create a fun gift idea using some gnomes (I love gnomes!) seeds, and some flower bulbs. In anticipation for Spring like weather I thought it would be fun to create this Flower Garden in a Jar!

The concept is so simple! I picked up some garden gnomes at Joann’s and spray painted them along with the mason jar lids in coordinating colors. I picked up some flower bulbs and seeds and filled the jars, and then hot glued the gnomes on the lids of the jars. This project took really no time to create! The only thing is that you need to allow time for the spray painting to dry. I used 2 coats, but would go outside for a total of 5 minutes for each coat, print out my tags, cut them & fill the jars with bulbs or seeds.
It was that easy!

I asked my printable whisperer, aka: Stephanie Lynn from Designs by Spec to create these chalkboard printable tags to attach to the jars. Stephanie Lynn has an etsy shop and can design just about anything, I believe! All I had to do is tell her a few specifics ideas I had for these tags, and she designed them perfectly! She also does custom orders for printables, favorite quotes, resumes, blog design packages and invitations!

You can follow Designs by Spec on Facebook to see all her latest designs, or send her a design question via her shop.
I am thrilled with how the tags turned out, and they really make the whole gift in jar look complete!

Of course, I had to spray paint 1 gnome in gold. My signature color.
A pink one filled with seeds.