This post is sponsored by Panama City Beach, Florida
It’s that time of year again. When the sun is getting hotter, the kids have started wearing shorts to school, and I start a diet.
BLAH! But really – it’s all good, because I do love vacation time!!!
Because I know right around the corner the kids will be out of school and we’ll be headed on our Summer vacation! We take it about the same time every year, and this year we’ll be heading to one of our favorite spots! To the sugar white sands, and emerald green blue waters of Panama City Beach, Florida.
We are so excited. As with probably ALL of us, our family starts counting down the days to vacation! We even start saving our pennies even more so, as I shared in this post last year. It all helps with the build up, excitement and teaching our kids to help save money. So here’s some thoughts I have when Planning the Perfect Beach Vacation ~ especially if you’re headed to the Panama City Beach area.
I realize there’s many of you who may not be familiar with Florida, so I thought I would share this map that I found here. I can testify to the beautiful sugar sand beaches of the Gulf Coast! It’s our family’s personal favorite place to go swimming in the ocean. The water is just so beautiful and clear…
One of the main reason we come to this area in Florida is because of the water. I mean, who doesn’t love the beach? But the beaches of Panama City Beach (PCB) are almost surreal. They take your breath away.

Panama City Beach, Florida – Shell Island
As I do with almost everyone of the vacations I’ve taken, I start to plan way ahead of time to see what we can do while there. I used to hound bookstores back in the day for travel books of places I wanted to go while on vacation. But now with Pinterest, anyone can start a vacation board, and start pinning whenever they see something they want to do. Which is exactly what I’ve done for this year’s vacation on this board.
When we plan a vacation we always have a few priorities. For example, we feel it’s our duty to sit in chairs like these and if we must take in this scenery.
And we also feel like this vacation we should spend some time socializing with the natives.
Swimming with dolphins has ALWAYS been on my bucket list!!! And you can swim with them right off the shores of Panama City Beach! This is the service we’ll probably be using to make that dream of mine come true!
As far as hotels go, we have a few places pinned. In prior vacations we have stayed in cottages, large resorts and of course hotels. Each place has different advantages than the other. We love the privacy and family style of renting a cottage. There are a few around Panama City Beach, that look so charming!
You can read Rhoda’s review here, but this area of Panama City Beach sounds so beautiful and family friendly!
We’ve also thought about staying at the Edgewater Resort in PCB.
It’s more like condos, and everything you need is on the property. Restaurants, shops, golf, beach yoga, tennis – you name it they have it. And well, let’s talk about that pool! Hello!
We have also always wanted to try an all inclusive hotel, that would be family friendly. Offering a mixture of fun activities for the kids, all your food + your room in your total price package. You can do that at the Holiday Inn Resort in PCB.
Our kids are a perfect age for this, and it’s hard to beat the all inclusive prices for your meals as well. They also feature a luau themed lunches and dinners, hula dancing and nightly movies at the pool! I mean, what kid wouldn’t love that…and adult?
Speaking of meals…and food…
We have just a few requirements. Breakfast. Lunch. and Seafood.
We also can’t wait to visit PCB’s FRESH Seafood Market! I love seafood! Especially when it’s fresh and not fried. We always look forward to eating our fill of seafood while visiting the beach.
Also in prep of planning our beginning stages of our vacation, I happen to be on a diet & looking through my Summer clothes, and swimwear!
Last year, I created this post on what to wear::curvy girl edition. I always purchase classic pieces for every season that can be worn year after year. Although, I may purchase a couple of pairs of shorts or maybe some new tops, I will be able to plan, pack and wear some of the very same clothes from this post for our vacation. I love when packing can be so easy!
This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Panama City Beach via Burst Media. The opinions and text are all mine.