Sometimes I feel like I am out of the baby haze. Other days not so much. I never, ever knew what people meant when they said their minds were mush, or in a haze when they had a baby. But boy, (and girl) do I know what you are talking about now!
To all the people I still owe thank yous. I am so sorry. I will write some soon. Again my mother didn’t raise me like this, it is just when I go to write…many, many unexplainable obstacles come up. Every gift whether it has been clothes, toys, or delicious food we have appreciated from the bottom of our hearts & stomachs. Truly.
While I am at this confession booth, I might as well add:
To our beloved dog Shady,
I am sorry. When we brought Graham home, I know it was hard on you. You were treated like our only child for so long, and then Graham arrived. Things somewhat got into a routine. You & Graham playing ball, running, chasing each other. But then…we had to bring two more babies home. Yes, two more babies to one day join Graham in pulling your tail, ears, legs, whatever they can get their hands on in a year or so. I am sorry Shady. You are the best dog. We do love you so!
Dear washer & dryer,
I am sorry. I should have warned you. The two of you have been running since we got home from the hospital. Especially our dear dryer. My word, does anyone out there run the wrinkle free cycle as much as I do??? Because I leave or forget about the clothes, for a day or two, or umm maybe three.
Dear bathroom,
First I should be honest. You aren’t my favorite to clean. But I know you have been overlooked, trampled on, and well lets face it…peed on. I am sorry. Graham has to be potty trained sooner or later. I hate to break it to you, but I have another boy around the corner who will be going through this potty training business as well.
Dear Kitchen,
In a way, you are sort of on a break. But the sink is always loaded with dishes. I am sorry. Sometimes I feel I just left you & I turn around, and you are full again. Please, dishwasher. I beg you keep running. I can’t live without you.
Dear Body as in stomach, arms, & legs,
I am sorry, but you know I’ve never been good about exercising. I know, I know, stomach you been stretched to the limit. I’m doing nothing to get you back into shape. I am sorry more then you know. My arms, well you both are somewhat getting more of a workout then ever with these two chunks of babies. Maybe at least the arms will get toned up. Legs…don’t fail me now. I have been walking as much as I can, I will get better I promise.
I know there is more I could admit to, easily. But this is enough for now. I will, I will write thank you notes one day.