Most of us have seen the signs/posters that state, “Keep Calm and Carry On”. From the small amount of reading I get to do, I have gathered that the statement was popular around WWII. The statement has resurfaced. Now, more then ever I find myself or reminding myself to keep calm. Even before the debates, the economy, the proposed bailout, etc. I was reminding myself to keep calm for everyday events. No, it is not my intention to speak of politics or economic woes, who wants to? It’s hard to ignore what is going on out there. But, “keeping calm” has been my motto since the twins were born.
Sometimes, in the chaos of the crying, trying to cook, changing diapers, or rolling around on the floor with Graham, I remind myself…keep calm. These moments will not last forever. Remembering them, making memories, savoring the good, the bad, & the “smelly” is what life is all about. So to my surprise & a laugh I saw these tubes of chap stick that reminded me of just what I need to do. It always amazes me how the gift of creativity comes through people. It is just a simple tube of chap stick, but what a great reminder. I don’t want to sound naive, because I know it is terrible right now, I hate what is going on with everything in the news. A simple tube of chap stick cannot heal financial woes, worries about jobs, or health. But for me, this tube can remind me to take a breath now and then, and remember to remember, and keep calm, but more then ever the last two words “…Carry On.”