So we stayed home on Black Friday. Crazy shoppers, no parking places, long lines, 3 kids – 2 & under, & a triple stroller. Umm, no. Not this mommy.
Instead I’ve decided to try out this cyber space Monday thingy. (you know, attempting to help the economy, and all. smirk.) Not that we are getting a lot this year for the kids, mind you. We have mainly been buying as needed. But I will be looking for a few deals on toys, household items, maybe a thing or two for myself. Does anyone have any suggestions on how this cyber Monday thingy works??? I mean is there price busters on-line for a few hours, is there a place I go to get the secret code for the coupon box??? How does it work??? Or do I just visit my favorite spots & see what they are offering??? Hints, suggestions, PLEASE!