Rules are to list 6 things you love with this award. So here goes (in no particular order):
1. I love being a mommy. If you knew me before this incredible journey began, you would know that I particularly thrived on being an independent woman. Self sufficient, hard working, loved having my “alone time”, kind of gal. Much to my surprise, I love this new life far better then the one I had picked out.
2. I LOVE Laguna Beach, California. It was/is the place where my family has always gone for vacation when we lived in Ca. and now living in TN. I haven’t been in 3 years. Quite honestly, my heart is aching inside to visit that lovely place, smell it, taste it, and to run my toes through the sand. The thought of taking my 3 kids & hubby there one day makes me giddy with excitement.
3. I love our home. I love that I have a home with the Chief (I’ll get to him in a minute.) Again, if you knew me in the past, you would know I always had a plan on something to improve, fix, or decorate. But…luckily for me I have found a peace of contentment with the birth of Mason & Madison I have NEVER had. I am thrilled that I have found a peace in my current living status. (I’m sure Chief is, as well.) But truly, I love our little old house that needs work just the way it is right now. For once in my 30 something life, I am not in any hurry to get anything done around here. And for me that is peace.
4. I love my husband. I can’t imagine this incredible experience (the good & the bad) with anyone else. I love how he loves our family. He provides, holds, gives, feeds, comforts, supports, & wishes for all things pure & good for our family. He is my best friend.
5. I love this whole blogging thing. It is still new to be, but has been a source of mental escape for me. My “alone” time, but spent with new & old friends. My weekly record of a mommy with three beautiful babies, and various rambling about silly things, has really helped me in this stay-at-home business. I do get lonely, but reading blogs immediately takes that feeling away.
6. I love how I have connected with my dear cousin Maegan. Growing up, we lived miles apart, and to be honest just saw each other on holidays. Now both of us older, we have re-connected and I have found a jewel of a friend in my sweet cousin Maegan. I love looking into her world, just to see what she is up to daily. Once again, simple proof how life changes are sometimes a great surprise! Love you Maegan! Thanks for my award.
Okay. So a friend called me after I posted this particular post, and advised me that I was way too serious with my answers. Thus said, here’s a quickie list of 6 things I love (without any paragraphs or long sentences):
- 1. starbucks. for the smell, taste, and the boost.
- 2. target. i don’t want to even think what my life would be like without it.
- 3. our dvr. i miss everything these days, but thank heaven for the dvr.
- 4. 400 or more thread count sheets. chief spoiled me a few years back with these, and now there is no turning back!
- 5. my wedding ring. all girls love their ring. but i love, love, love mine. its simple, fancy, and its all mine.
- 6. magazines. i have many favorites, i love them for the obvious inspiration, but the mental escape as well.