Okay. So we are back from our road trip to Nashville. Whew. Will we go anywhere else that requires packing for a family of five anytime soon…NO!
I’ll be honest here, you know the typical husband questions:
“Do you really need to bring all of these?” ~OR~ “Kellie, you’ve got to be kidding me.” “Just answer me this, why so many shoes, Kellie?” Plus many more.
I’ll let you all imagine what it was like. Dress clothes for 5 for the wedding, plus back-ups for the 3 kids, 2 parties, & clothes for 3 days & nights. The truck was loaded down. From the port-a-crib, bouncy seatS, 20 burp cloths, to a toilet training seat. You name it, it was in the suburban.
All in all we did pretty good. Saw some dear friends, ate some good food, the weather was great, and the fall foliage was beautiful! I will post some pics later in the week. Hope everyone had a great weekend.
Hello! I’m so glad you’re here & reading my posts! I’ve started truncating my posts, so please click over to read the rest of the story!