Like everyone else, we are starting the crazy, busy, rush right before Christmas arrives. But to our delight & true excitement beyond words, the Chief & I are getting ready to witness Graham’s first Christmas program tomorrow night. We have purposely not asked a lot of questions about the program. All we know is he will be a reindeer. We don’t know if he is dancing, singing, or anything. All we know is, we. can’t. wait.
The Chief & I even debated on “what to wear” for a 1/2 hour yesterday. Please keep in mind, this NEVER happens with the Chief. But yesterday, both of us were debating on our attire options. We got a sitter for Mason & Madison, so the evening will be devoted to this little guys’ acting debut. Some may think this is funny, but truly this is Chief’s & mine greatest present for Christmas is to see Graham up there doing who knows what.
Then we will be heading to my parents for the weekend. I. can’t. wait. for this one, either. No one “does it up” like my mom for Christmas. Two BIG events back-to-back. Happy, happy, joy, joy!!!
Hope everyone has a real treat this weekend. Whether it be time with family, friends, or doing a traditional holiday activity. May it bring happiness to your hearts!