Another goal is to be more “green” in this house. Composting is something I want to do on a daily basis. I think this is a great project to start with Graham. He’s always into the dirt, like any little boy, so I know this will be up his alley. So starting today, this little nifty composting pail, will be used for daily trips to our dormant flower garden, and perhaps a small veggie garden this summer.
Starting today, we purchased all of GMA’s (good morning America’s) top 5 things you can take for a healthier you. You can read the article here. We felt this was simple, easy, & extremely good for us to do with our crazy life style as it is right now. You can also find the yummy recipe for the granola pictured above in the article.
Our other goal is to walk. This is our favorite place. This is always Graham’s #1 pick of places to go. Coolidge Park, “can we go way up high across the big pool, mommy?” Walnut Street walking bridge (also pictured) is another favorite that goes across the Tennessee River = “the big pool!”
Finally, this little dandy of a baby sling Xs two makes our walks even better! Grant it, this doesn’t have much to do with the “resolutions” part of this post, but without it not much walking could take place. I found out about this comfy sling via Marvelous Kiddo’s blog. One of my daily favorites to read. Like her, I found the baby bjorn to be very limiting & uncomfortable. This ergo baby sling holds up to 40 lbs! We were starting to reach our limit with the bjorn. Which only holds up to 20 lbs. If you have any kids under 40 lbs, I highly recommend this product!
So here’s our resolutions/commitments to ourselves & each other. Nothing big, I feel very obtainable with our lifestyle as it is. I think with the two of us on the same page, we can & will be able to eat, do, & walk with a healthier mindset. So… what’s your resolutions for ’09? I would love to hear what you all are doing.