First & foremost the twins are turning one. ONE! I can’t believe it. The time, it is just flying by this house. I mean, really, it didn’t even take a ‘pause’ break. It just flew by. A few other posts, will be my thoughts, experiences, tears, ups & downs of nursing/breastfeeding the twins, being a mommy of twins, and potty training a 3 year old, all while I had two attached to me. Literally!
I am asked so often what it is like to nurse twins, how do you do it, people look at me just plain dumb founded at times. All of these questions I plan on answering. Finally. While I was expecting Mason & Madison, I did a lot of reading about twins, nursing two, etc… and let me just say again, a lot of reading. Because let’s face it, I had many a sleepless nights with the big belly! I never really found a great blog post or something that smacked me up-side the head to make me think I may just be able to do this. My hope is to shed some light on the whole double breast, double baby, double exposed, double embarrassment, but most of all double the joy experiences of nursing twins. I am not a gifted writer. I envy all that have that incredible gift. But, if some of my posts will help a future mommy-to-be or a mommy of twins, I will be over joyed. Because on the twin front, there really isn’t a lot of good info out there (when it comes to nursing/breastfeeding.) I do not consider myself to be an ‘authority’ figure, but I would love to give my two cents on the entire subject.
So please, in advance forgive my more ‘journal’ like posts & reminiscing this entire month. I don’t like to be so serious on my blog, because really, that isn’t me. But I do want to write about this past year, and for those brave souls that dare to read… you are true friends!