What a week. We are still not near the end, either. Chief has been cutting hay & working all week. I don’t understand the entire process of the whole hay thing…but let’s just say, it is a full time job by itself when it comes time for cutting & bailing. So needless to say, life has just been focused on the ‘normal’ around here. Trying to stay afloat has been key this week. If you could see my house, you would say, why is this girl even blogging? It is a pure mess decorated with glitter, no less. (of course, I have to work on a few projects, when a few moments allow. 🙂
But during this week, we have had a few simple “firsts“. That have been priceless to me. Although, they go on in every house, it still has been a treat to witness first hand the excitement of it all.
My Mason. If you only knew how scared he USED to be of this monkey. He is the most tender hearted out of the three kids. For him to curl up with the famous monkey, was quite something to see.
And, then to hold it & play. Needless to say, he has a new friend.
Sparklers. We never used them over the 4th. I broke them out this week, when the evening just couldn’t be spent inside one.more.minute. If ya know what I mean??? It changed the tone, attitude, and fun level in a split second. I wish I had 500 hundred of these for this week.
We are starting to write!!! I helped with the A. But the B,C,D, is all his. It’s a first. Of many more papers, pen marks, scribbles. Yes, he draws all the time, but to get him to write something that he “has to” has been impossible, until recently. Firsts.