My friend Beth from A 2 Z Stories, put a challenge out to bloggers. “Get your Face ON.” Basically, blog before & after pics of your face with make-up. Since I think Beth is a rock star, or should I say Blog Star, I am accepting the challenge. Said a former cosmetic sales rep of the mighty house of Estee Lauder. ( waaay back in the day.) Plus, I think Beth is trying to convey to have confidence in your beauty no matter what you do, use, or look like. Just show off how you decorate it!

For skin care, I love Khiels. It does the trick for this girl. I used to have oily skin, but since the kids I pretty much have combo skin. I also love Khiels because it is reasonable.
Here I am with concealer, foundation, & powder. Looking pastey powdery white.
My concealer is always one shade DARKER then my foundation shade. Yes, darker. I’ll explain in a minute.
My foundation Almay Sheer Cover with an SPF 15. Love this stuff. Lightweight & has a SPF = important in my book.
Powder of choice = Revlon pressed powder in Light
My BRONZED GODDESS LOOK along with one eye of shadow:
I love bronzer. Even in the Winter. I look pastey in the Winter & bronzer helps bring my “death becomes her” face back to life. This looks like a lot of bronzer, but trust me it isn’t & you can always BLEND IN!!! Also, this is why I go one shade darker with my concealer. Ever notice in photos, that you have raccoon eyes but in a white shade??? Well, I have & I found that darker concealer & a little bronzer do wonders for me.
Ever heard of Too Faced cosmetics? I love their mascara & their lip gloss plumper is the bomb!
Okay now to the details & accessories…
“If your eyes are the windows to your soul – THEN your eyebrows are the frames around those windows.”
Don’t forget your eyebrows. I just had my eyebrows threaded this week & I love the end result. I hate plucking. I mean hate it. This is a little luxury, but I think they did a great job with my frames!
One eyebrow filled in with Clinque eyebrow powder. Love the angled brush it comes with! And just normal eye m-up going on. Nothing special – 3 colors. I don’t always wear eye shadow, but I was expecting company. 🙂
It has always been my quest to have eyebrows like Scarlett O’Hara’s. I mean seriously. They are perfect. Wouldn’t you agree??
Eye make-up check & a little eye liner check. I don’t wear much of that either. But for company reasons…
I’ll put some extra on. I use eyeshadow for liner. Usually a dark brown & “smoke it out” with a Q-tip. Top & bottom. My lips have on the Too Faced Pink Bubbles Lip Gloss. It has a little something-something(?) that makes your lips bigger & fuller. I don’t know what it is, but it works.
Here I am giving my best Scarlett O’Hara eyebrow raised look.
If you are reading this, & want to link up – go for it! I think alot of people are bashful about going al naturale in blog land whether it’s their house, self, or possessions. But personally, I think you’ve got to be real in order to be comfortable with yourself & then feel comfortable having relationships with others. I would give alot to have glowing skin, but I don’t. I just accessorize it & carry on. I over highlight my good features to over shadow my bad ones. Just be real. Have a strong mindset like Scarlett & be proud. She always put off worrying until tomorrow.
But I say, ” Fiddle de dee” in worrying.”
“…after all, Tomorrow is another Day.”
Scarlett O’Hara image from google image
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