I am so thankful for these 3. Little did I know what God had planned for me. I was the working girl who said she never wanted kids. I would of never guessed I’d end up being a s@hm. It’s the “m” part in s@hm (stay at home mom) that gets me everytime.
I’m a mom. How lucky & blessed am I.
Hello! I’m so glad you’re here & reading my posts! I’ve started truncating my posts, so please click over to read the rest of the story!
Shaundra says
They are precious. Its amazing how God changes our plans. 🙂 We have 5 kiddos and I never expected that, but I am so thankful for each of them. 🙂
The Pennington Point says
Oh my goodness! Ya got me with that first picture. You are blessed among women! Lisa~
Lori says
Cute all three. We have three girls, still waiting on a Grandson. I have to do with the son-in-laws just now. That is great. But feeding them! Wow.
April says
Great photos of your little cutie pies! I agree, being a mom is the best!