You all are gonna LOVE this intro~
Inie and Ione were our Grandmothers. They are both no longer with us in this world, but all of the artsy crafts, bridge playing, cookie making, cocktail mixing & party hosting lives on with both of us.
We are proud to say that we are Inie and Ione’s Granddaughters.They taught us well and we plan to carry on the fun!
The idea for these tee’s was created when my sister was pregnant with her 5th baby…..we joked that she should have a sign on her belly that said “Mommy of 5!” Apparently more than a few people believed it was a good idea! Inie and Ione products are sold at 4 boutiques in the Midwest.
We are growing our business with the exciting intent to have them in a fun shop near you! Visit our blog for creative holiday gift ideas, banter about life, family, diy projects, fun design tips, and whatever comes to mind!
Thanks to Kellie at Blessed Nest for posting about us, we love reading about her amazing projects…she is one of a kind!
~Jennifer (Ione) and Kathy (Inie)
I tell ya, blogging is an amazing thing. Seriously, don’t you feel like you already know them by just reading their intro? I LOVE their entire concept & reason why they started blogging = because of their grandmothers. Love their hearts!
When you visit you will find that they have fabulous suggestions of things to buy or new product that are out on the market. Plus their banter is so fun to read. Right now they are doing a series of gifts under $50.00. Some of their recommendations you may have seen before, but I am sure there is some you haven’t!
Here’s a collage of their products:
So go say hi to Jennifer (Ione) and Kathy (Inie)
How adorable! Lisa~