If you’re a mom of an elementary child that has to bring a snack for the class every so often…this simple (and I do mean simple) idea is for you.
Since Fall is here, s’mores ideas are everywhere & the talk of campfires & marshmallows are on every cartoon right now – I thought we would make our own campfire treats & send them to class.
Ideas for ingredients:
Of course, you’ve got to have pretzel sticks to act as campfire sticks
candycorn as your flame
yogurt covered raisins & chocolate chips for your rocks
and for fillers you could use:
Cinnamon Cheerios, Chex Mix, homemade granola, or dried fruit.
I quickly whipped up these sandwich bag labels last night & we were good to go. Easy, fast & homemade.
just double click on the labels & print on white cardstock.
Now, who wants to share their ideas for snack days with me? Because I’m all ears.
p.s. wish me luck…we’re going on our first field trip tomorrow with the kindergarten class. i’m of course taking the twins with me, but i’ve got to wonder how it’s all going to play out. how do you keep 2 – 3 year olds “low key” so big bro can enjoy his first field trip without little brother & sister “stealing the show” & getting in the way of all the events???
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Such a cute idea! 🙂
How creative! I’ve done smores mix with that graham cracker cereal, mini marshmallows & choc. chips, but I love the pretzel stix & candy corn too.
just adorable! looks good right now;) almost happy friday!
giving these out on Sat at a BBQ we are having..thx for making me look like a cool chic with good ideas (which clearly I am not 🙂