Hello Hello! The big day is almost here & I know there’s hardly anyone visiting blogs, but I just thought I would do a quick post to link to a few tutorials I’ve been studying on photography.
First off – I love bokeh photos! They are so magical. But I am just now learning how to take them. Above is me — just practicing with a house full of toys everywhere, but I’m practicing & hopefully will be able to snap a few on Christmas day.
Do you like bokeh photos? Well…I’ve been reading this, this & this. In my attempts to learn.
And 2nd, I’ve been reading this post below, How to take great photos on Christmas morning with no flash. I found it on pinterest.
I have totally referenced pinterest for something everyday this week. But in particular photography tips to help me out, because Christmas morning can be a little tricky. I know many of you are super photographers. I am not. I have to study & read up on everything – so maybe some of you can use these links as well?
How are you all? In a mad panic? I think I have everything done but one major thing still left to do tomorrow…assemble a play kitchen for a certain little girl. 😉
Have a super duper Christmas Eve!
I’m a horrible photographer and it is one of my NY resolutions to get better. Have you heard of picfx for iphone? That is how I add bokeh to my instagram pics. you take the photo in the picfx app, then you can open it in instagram and add any additional effects you like to it before posting. I love it!
I recently posted that heart bokeh, too. Super fun.
Hooray! I can’t wait to try this today with all the holiday lights around!