LINKY HERE. Have you heard of it?
More than likely you haven’t because it’s brand spakin’ new. But it’s a super duper great idea.
If you have a linky party that you host on your blog, for anything – register it on LINKY HERE! It’s free & they’ll keep a register of it, what type of party it is & what day of the week it goes up for free. One of the beauties of LINKY HERE, is that it is also a blog. But it’s the kind of blog that gives shout out’s to giveaways, linkys, or a special promo that you might be doing for YOUR blog.
Don’t host a linky party? Well LINKY HERE is a great tool of reference if you like to join link parties around blog land. Just use their directory bar at the top & locate specific parties that may be of interest to you. It’s that easy.
They’re just getting started, so hop on over there & register your linky or check out the parties. Join their site, because I’m sure it will be the “go-to” place for a quick reference or directory!
Hello! I’m so glad you’re here & reading my posts! I’ve started truncating my posts, so please click over to read the rest of the story!
I was seeing this floating around– what a great resource! Can’t wait to check it out. Thanks, Kellie!
This is great! Thank You!
Sweet! Thank you so much!! xoxo
THANK YOU… that is one of the most beautiful things I have ever read… you are SOO great!!
I need to do pin interest. Thank you!
nice I had never head of them before
Great idea. Thank You