I’m typically not one of the smart bloggers that has genius ideas when it comes to Dollar Store items. Not that I’m too good to shop there, mind you. I like cheap stuff! It’s just that it’s packed in there & I never can think in packed spaces. But I guess it was finally “my turn” about 2 weeks ago. I finally had 2 light bulb moments on the same shopping trip to the Dollar Store! whoo hoo!
You can read all about the first idea in this post from last week.
But for this post (my second light bulb moment) ~ I took these mini silver chargers from the Dollar Store (found in the dish aisle)
and…used some chalkboard vinyl, along with a pencil for tracing, scissors & a razor blade & traced the outline of each silver charger.
To come up with chalkboard chargers.
~I’ll stop right here, and admit that this project was *almost* a major craft fail. I started out with chalkboard paint. But unless you have a steady hand, I do not recommend using chalkboard paint. I almost just threw in the towel. But I thought – why not give chalkboard vinyl a try. And sure enough – it worked! And almost covered all my painting goofs.~
I ended up placing these over my mantel. Inside my frame I purchased from Goodwill last year. My mantel was in major need of a switch-er-o! I wanted a clean simple mantel for Summer. Something that could take me into early Fall. I’m not 100% sold on the plants on the other side, but for now it will do. I don’t like a lot of layers when it comes to mantel decor. Our house is busy enough with toys scattered around. I like empty quiet spaces when it comes to decorating. Especially in the Summer.
My hydrangeas were free, btw. There is this ‘secret’ place in town I go, after the office is closed…the bush is hid in an alley by some trash cans, for heaven sake. I honestly don’t think the trash guys will notice if I grabbed a few flowers. I have no idea why someone would plant a hydrangea bush in an alley, but sure enough they did. So there. That’s one of my guilty confessions. Now that you all know, you all need to pinky swear that you wont tell a single soul. Promise?
P.S. A couple of years back, I also painted a larger charger/tray in chalkboard paint – check out the before & after in this post here. It’s an oldie but a goodie, I promise!
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Wow! You are so creative and crafty! Love these!
I adore this, Kellie!! Simple and beautiful — and I’m all about the hydrangeas these days. My bushes are blooming for the first time in EIGHT YEARS and I’m over the moon.
Hope you’re well, my friend!
xo Heidi
Hey! Those turned out really well! I didn’t know you could by chalkboard vinyl. Is it at Michaels?
your stolen flowers are lovely too. The way I figure it, SOMEONE should enjoy them – and the trash men sure won’t!
So pretty!!! I love your mantel. 🙂 LOL about your secret hydrangea stash! They are hard for me to grow…I finally got some blooms this year, but I wonder if they’ll ever be large enough to take cuttings from….
LOVING it! The funny thing is…I bought these JUST YESTERDAY for extra plates for my daughter’s birthday. Now I know what I can do with them when I don’t need them for that anymore!
The chalkboards are such a good idea. I love them arranged in the frame. The mantle looks really great.
Waht a great idea!!!! I would have NEVER thought of that. They look great over your mantel!!! thanks for sharing!
oh lovely! I’m adoring how you ‘collected’ them within that great frame – so smart! YUM! xo
meant to ask you …. where did you get your roll of chalkboard vinyl – I want some! too bad we can’t snag THAT at the dollar store! xo
This is awesome. I have seen this idea, but always assumed it would be expensive to pull off. I feel the overwhelming urge to get to the dollar store NOW!
So cute! I love those little chalkboard chargers!! Very clever! Also adore your hydrangeas! What a beautiful display!
Sweet idea. How did you think of using the those mini chargers as chalkboards?
I actually did this with chalkboard paint this past winter (just need to tape it offf with painter’s tape), in the hopes of having them sell at a local shop. She didn’t want them, so I’m stuck with them, but now I have a great idea how to hang them in my own home! Thanks! Love what you did with them.
What a great idea! I think something like this might be fun with our family name on it for our (future) gallery wall. Thanks for the inspiration! Oh, and I LOVE the hydrangeas! We just planted a bush in our front yard this year and I really hope we get some pretty blooms off of it.
These are so cute and creative!
You go girl!!! What a good idea. They are adorable.
Oooh, the hydgrangeas are so pretty, and I would TOTALLY go clip some if they were in an alley. I might run away afterwards, though. I tend to get a little overexcited. Love your crafty idea with the chargers!
What a cute idea!!!I would love for you to do a tutorial in July for the CSI project. You can see the challenges on the blog and email me to sign up. I would love to have you on the blog.
Love how that turned out! Great idea!
Super cute and fun idea. Take care, Laura