If you know me personally, than you know that almost every story I have leads back to the beach. Or if it doesn’t start with the beach, I’ll have my story make a sharp curve to head to another story about the beach 😉 The beach & the ocean are part of my core. The dear & sweet people at the amazing Sandestin Golf & Beach Resort must have known that I needed some beach therapy, because they provided an amazing room with a view for our family to come & visit. Apparently, my kids feel the same way about the beach. They l i v e for it as well…(ahem) as you can see by the very first pic above & video below, they could hardly contain themselves when we arrived on the beach in Sandestin, FL.

We love the Emerald Gulf Coast. It’s a special place that I truly believe God created for beach lovers. Sandestin Golf & Beach Resort is centered right in the middle of the gorgeous white sands of the Emerald Coast line. They have so much to offer & all the amenities will be right at your finger tips, along with salt in the air & sand in your hair.