Cake Decorating for kids. Yes, it’s messy.
Yes, you need to have about 4 sets of hands (and eyes) to make sure something doesn’t get spilled.
But it’s Summer.
This kids are home and with me 24/7. It’s hard to take on a major project right now, because life + prep for moving has taken over any other free time possible.
So like we always do, when life gets a little stressful, we bake a cake.

On a side note, this gave me a good chance to talk about America to them, and the birthday of our country. Along with mentioning our personal freedom we have here. I don’t often talk about this, so it opened up some good conversations between the kids and myself, and of course what’s to come next week being the 4th of July.

I am by no means super mom, so this is a box cake mix and box icing. (Don’t judge) But it’s something fun for them to do, and assemble together on a rainy Summer day. Mix the cake, spread the icing, add some sprinkles and some gold fuzzy stars and you’ll have your kids Ooooo & Ahhhhing over their latest creation.