It’s that time of year, when all things PINK start to pop up in your favorite shops, at the grocery store, and of course on blogs & pinterest. Well, I had to follow suit, and make these PINK Oreo Cheesecake Cookies.

I’ll never claim I’m a professional cookie maker, nor can I really decorate one with frosting. But I will claim that I am a professional taste tester, and I need to do my duty to say that these are amazing! If you love cheesecake, you’ll love these Oreo Cheesecake Cookies! For some strange reason every time we go to the Cheesecake Factory I will always order the Oreo Cheesecake. I can never order any other kind, because Oreo is always my favorite!
I simply followed the directions from this blog (Baker By Nature) but the only thing different I did was add a few drops of red food coloring to make them pink!

These cookies only take 5 ingredients to make. If you decide to make them pink, that will make it 6 ingredients. They really are pretty easy to make too!

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Valentine Confetti. OMGoodness this is so good & addicting!