I couldn’t help myself.
You all know, I’m a seasonal and holiday junkie, so I had to make these Leprechaun Cream Cheese Oreo Cookies.
You see, we’ve been snowed, er…uh…iced in. We had about 1 inch of ice + snow and then ice again. No kidding. It’s been crazy.
What’s also crazy, is I tend to eat everything in sight when I’m snowed in. It’s a terrible habit~!

So I knew desperate times, called for desperate measures.
And since we loved this recipe so much, I had to make them again.
Remember, desperate measures.
They’re just like the ones I made here, but I added a few (4-5) drops of green food coloring into this batch.

I’m sure many people from up North can relate, but we aren’t used to being out of school for so long.
The Legos are everywhere.
Baby dolls, Match cars, crayons and books are all over the house.
Pajamas have been worn for days.
Desperate measures called for Cream Cheese Oreo Cookies. And since I love any and all reasons to celebrate a holiday, green food coloring had to be added! I made the pink version of these cookies for Valentine’s. You can view and get the recipe here.

If you love Oreo Cheesecake, you’ll love these cookies! They are soooo good.
And hey, you can even eat the batter, because there are no raw eggs used! SCORE!