One of my favorite parts about the actual Easter basket is that’s is a combination of a cute chocolate Easter bunny and paper products.
Does that sound weird?
I’m a paper junkie and of course a chocolate junkie too. But I love all the layers of the fluffy (paper) Easter grass inside a basket. If you don’t believe me check out my Easter wreath I made ~ it too has the fluffy paper Easter grass. I can never get enough of chocolate & the fluffy paper. 😉
So I thought I would have some fun and make some Easter Basket Cupcakes which include my love for that sweet little Easter Bunny and of course paper products.

Oh, Spring how I love you. I am not a Winter girl. At.all.

FYI ~ we purchased everything we used for these cupcakes at Target. (Of course!)
You know when it’s Spring break and you have kids in tow, you head to your favorite store and get everything you can and say a prayer you didn’t forget anything.
The chocolate bunnies are the miniature Lindt chocolates, and of course the candy corn, jelly beans & the mini Cadbury eggs can all be found in the seasonal sectional <—(my 2nd home!)
I have an idea this entire week my kitchen will be a mess, along with my fingernails because that’s all I want to do.
Eat & dig in the dirt. 😉
Have a great week, my friends!