There I was…
like every year of my childhood, in a new Easter dress with new shoes.
Every year like clock work.
You see, I come by my love for seasons and holidays rightly.

My passion for color, holiday food, holiday decor, crafts, DIY ~ it all comes from my Mom. Every year, every holiday we were decked out, buttoned up, laced up, tied up to the max in a new outfit she sewed for us. It was probably finished the night before the holiday with a mess left in the sewing room (I inherited that part as well) but it still counts. So I thought it was only fitting to make an Easter wreath that included my love for everything that’s Easter-ish. I kinda went crazy with a lot of accessories on the wreath. It has a little bit of everything. That’s why I decided to call it my Easter Parade Wreath.

At first, I wasn’t sure about covering the buttons with my Spring stash of fabric, but the more I started visualizing the wreath, the more I liked the idea of using covered buttons. They kinda look like Easter eggs – kinda.

I only had 1 spool of the pink & white stripe ribbon, so I used a bag of pink paper grass from the Dollar Tree and hot glued it on the wreath. Now I will worn you – BECAREFUL doing this. Use a pencil to poke it in place instead of your finger so the hot glue wont burn you.