This post is about NBC TVEverywhere. Where you can sit in the comfort of your own home and watch TV for free without cable – anytime, anywhere.
Y’all. I honestly had reminders set in my phone for the season premieres of my favorite Fall TV shows. I honestly felt like having cable was a waist of money during the Summer months, because I never watched TV.
But Fall shows…and premieres…get me excited to cozy up with a blanket on a cold evening and binge watch my favorites.
I can’t help it.
I love Fall TV.
It’s one of my love languages.
But…life happens. I get the kids in bed, clean the kitchen, get all set up to watch my favorite NBC shows, and immediately I wake up 3 hours later with my mouth open, snoring, asleep on the sofa.
I mean…what the heck??

Baby, it’s cold outside. Let’s Holiday Binge watch & Winter binge watch, cozy up with a blanket & watch our favorite tv shows – together! I can rarely watch a show when it airs (or stay awake for that matter.) But with NBC TVEverywhere I can simply watch one of my NBC favorite shows right from my laptop.
You can also binge on our new fall shows – no TV provider login required. Another HUGE perks is that you do not need to have a TV provider!
My husband and I are both huge fans of The Voice.
In fact, I can say it’s one of our top 3 shows that we love to watch.

Heroes Reborn is a GREAT example of why NBC TVEverywhere is so fabulous. We watched the original Heroes series that came out not too long ago, but we just haven’t had time to watch the Heroes Reborn as of yet! Well, with the cold weather basically here, and being able to tune in anytime – anywhere. We will be able to catch up on this new show when we have the time, and can cozy up with a big blanket.
When I first heard about NBC TVEverywhere, I thought to myself, “Oh that is a great idea.” But when I really & truly started thinking about everything this can offer, I started thinking – gosh, it’s even better than I thought! Because we could even slim back or even cut off our cable if we wanted. You can read about everything NBC TVEverywhere has to offer. But in many areas it can even show local news and programs. Or even late night shows! Just keep in mind, everything airs a day later, but for free!
I mean, you can’t go wrong with free, right?
This post is sponsored by NBC. All opinions are my own.