So I have this friend, who I’ve known for over 20+ years. Over the past 20+ years we’ve vacationed together, worked together, celebrated together, we both share some of our most favorite memories together. Basically you can say he knows me really well. He’s my Nate Berkus, my hairdresser but one of my dearest friends who I love to death! So when he tells me or suggests I do something, 9 out of 10 times I do it. Because he “gets” me. Don’t you love that kind of friendship? Well…he’s the one who shared this fabulous idea of making these Ghost Lights for Halloween.
And true to our friendship history – I immediately fell in love with the idea & had to do it for myself!

Well, of course he was right.
I had to immediately click over to see where this cute idea came from and found it on the blog House Tweaking – it was love at first sight, y’all! So this idea is definitely not my own, but hopefully she’ll agree that copying is the highest form of flattery, right???
Her ghost faces were a little different than mine, and that’s the beauty of this 5 minute craft project – you can customize it all!

I free handed drew {happier} ghost eyes & a mouth on black construction paper & hot glued it to cheesecloth. I mean seriously, how easy right?

And presto, I was done.

It’s taking me so much longer to type out this post, than it did to make these Ghost Lights for Halloween. My kids are going to love them! I don’t usually get crazy with Halloween decor, but this was so easy I had to do it.

Here’s what they look like at night:
Fun, right?!?

If you want to make these ghost lights for your home, you can always search pinterest for a ghost face template if you don’t trust yourself doing it free hand. I promise, your family will love it & you will too.