Disclosure: This post was sponsored by Coca-Cola through their partnership with ShopStyle Collective. While I was compensated to write a post about Coke, all opinions are my own.
To those of you who may not know, we feel extremely fortunate to live in the beautiful state of Tennessee. We actually live right outside of Chattanooga on Signal Mountain. As most of you have heard, Tennessee has been hit hard with wildfires the past couple of months. To recognize and thank our Holiday Heroes the kids and I thought it would be fun to #shareacoke and create these thank you silhouette Christmas ornaments for firemen.

So my daughter was actually the one who gave me this idea to make some sort of thank you ornaments for the fire station.

The kids felt is was a great idea to make the Coke-Cola Life bottles into reindeer for our local heroes. I’m so glad we took the time to do it, because it was so easy!
Plus, the kids loved giving the reindeer Coke-Cola Life bottles to the firemen.

Like all of you, I am so grateful for our local firemen. They do so much for the community in addition to putting out the fires. Most of them right now are holding food drives for those in need in your local area. If you donate canned goods, you may want to #shareacoke with your local firemen, make them ornaments or even bring them some baked goods. I’m sure they’ll enjoy it, just as much as you’ll love giving it.

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Coke-Cola. All opinions and photographs are 100% my own.