This post is sponsored by Wayfair + a whole lotta work + elbow grease! Sometimes it’s hard for me to believe that this is the same house that we purchased 2 & a half years ago. Don’t get me wrong, one of my greatest gifts is visualizing how a space *could* look. (At least that’s what my husband tells me & it drives him crazy.) I’m typically the person that always sees the potential or the silver lining, but even for this house, it has been hard at times to visualize the end results. But I am so pleased and proud to share our patio decorating ideas plus amazing renovation reveal with you all.
If you’re like me, and love a good before & after…this post is for you!
Here’s a couple of pictures of our patio/courtyard area that I took the day we had our home inspected. In case you are new here or visiting my blog for the first time, WELCOME!!! Secondly, our home was a foreclosure that had been vacant for almost 5 years. We have touched every corner inside this house, but the past few months we’ve have been focusing on the exterior.
I’ll let the “before” photos speak for themselves…

Don’t cha just love the birdhouse dandling from the string lights???
I mean, really!!!! What were we thinking putting an offer on this house?

When thinking about patio decorating ideas, I always will lean towards a “classic” choice because outdoor furniture is:
#1 an investment
#2 an extension of your home’s decor
#3 think about how long will it last
#4 is the construction and the material good for your area’s weather
#5 can it be cleaned

The design style and the greens flow so nicely together.