Last month, I had the pleasure of working and playing (just a little) with the Swiffer Fanatics Team. I’ve worked with Swiffer on the blog as part of sponsored posts throughout the years, and I’m thrilled to be an official brand ambassador for them. They invited a group of bloggers out to LA to learn more about their products and to give back to the community. It was a memorable event, and I was so glad I said, “YES!” in joining the Swiffer Fanatics Team!
pictured: Kristi, Jennifer, me & Kelli
We learned a lot about their products + some new ones coming very soon, that I know most of you readers will absolutely love! Trust me, they thought of a lot of new things to add to the coming products. I can’t wait to share them on the blog!
It’s like their research and development teams were secretly inside my house listening to me complain about a certain room we have and how hard it is to clean! I cannot wait until it comes out on the market next year!!!
While we were in LA, we got to take in some of the amazing sights & I also got to visit my sweet cousin for a quick dinner the first night I was there!
They also fed us really, really well.
We got to see the Hollywood sign!

After taking a mini tour, they divided us into 2 groups. One groups was to put Swiffer products along with other products from P&G into “welcome laundry baskets” for families that were moving into low income housing. The other group (which was the one I was in) was assigned to the cafeteria to help feed all the residents at the LA Housing, and prep to-go lunches and breakfast for the next day.
I had never helped feed people in a group home or shelter before. I’ve done other charity work in my life, but never helped serve in a line or prep food before. I don’t know why, but I was so nervous about it.

You know that saying, “It’s better to give, than to receive” – I honestly felt that way the entire time I was there. It was a wonderful feeling, and one I hope very soon, I’ll share with my kids in our own community.
It was SO hot, and remember my nervous were a wreck, so was my stomach.
But that all changed in a matter of minutes. It was truly my favorite part of our entire Swiffer Team Fanatics meeting!

This is my friend, Jennifer from Clean & Scentsible.

Speaking of adventures…
Swiffer was kind enough to mix in some fun with our agenda! We toured to Warner Brother’s Studio.
And got to sit at the set of Central Perk Cafe from Friends!
And we also went to Capitol Records and recorded a fun jingle for Swiffer. We divided into groups & then they mixed it all together in the recording studio. I truly don’t know how they do all of this, but it’s amazing to watch the process!
Hit the “play” button below to hear our jingle we recorded!
It took us a few times not to get tongue tied, but it was SO FUN!
I was also able to visit my most favorite place on earth while in LA. It was the quickest evening, but I’m so thankful I got to take in this beautiful sunset in Laguna Beach.
I also got to visit my home away from home while out there as well.
But I’ll share all the fun details in a coming post very soon.
Thanks to Swiffer for sponsoring my trip, feeding me, and allowing me to be part of an incredible experience that I’ll never forget. This post is part of a brand ambassador partnership post – AKA: Swiffer Fantatics Team.