No matter if you just frost your cake with yellow icing or go all out – this cake will turn out sooooo cute! The Pineapple cake topper printable template is at the bottom of the post. It’s perfect to make for a birthday party or just to celebrate summer!

The back story on this cake, is that one of my son’s teachers asked me to make a pineapple cake for her daughter’s birthday. Of course she gave me a few ideas she had seen on Pinterest. And to be honest, this is a combo of several inspiration pictures along with a few ideas of my own.

Other than the ribbon, hot glue, scissors & 2 skewer sticks – I just used foam paper for the topper, eyes, cheeks & the border to hold up the ribbon. You can find foam paper at crafts stores, but I got mine from here. When you’re cutting out the Pineapple Cake Topper Printable Template you’ll notice that the foam paper does not show the grease stains from the frosting. So that was a total win in my book!

Isn’t it the cutest???