We really are doing great. Especially since we haven’t even passed the 2 week mark. Madison is a little jaundice, but improving. Nothing to fret over, we don’t even have to use a sun/lamp machine. Thank goodness!
Mason & Madison are both having latching issues with nursing. Since really they are only 38 weeks old, they haven’t been able to get the whole suck/latch thing down. There has been some improvement. But this alone has been very trying to deal with when it comes time to nurse. Emotional & physically. But again, we are all improving.
So if you call the house, and get our voice mail, we are probably using all four hands (Ronnie included) to get one of them to latch, change a diaper, entertain Graham, or better yet trying to keep Graham from climbing in the crib with them, ALL AT THE SAME TIME!
I promise I’ll return your call next year!