Have I ever mentioned that my daughter can smell a piece of sourpatch candy from a mile away? She absolutely LOVES sour candy. My husband calls both she & I hound dogs, because we can smell anything. Well, for the twins birthday I knew it had to involve something sour & sweet. (Because those…
Decadent Chocolate Zucchini Bread
I’ve been eating this decadent Chocolate Zucchini bread for 5 years now. It NEVER gets old, in fact it gets better tasting year after year. Of course, as with most of my recipes (and clothes for that matter) there’s a story or two there & memories that can always coordinate when sharing the recipe….
Refreshing Summer Sippers
If you’re anything like me, you have a drink in both hands while your sitting in front of the A/C air vent trying to deal with this Summer heat lately. It’s hot hot HOT! I really do try to drink a lot of water, but sometimes you have to jazz it up a bit…
Kool-Aid Ice Cubes with Sprinkles
It seems all I’m doing this Summer, is working the beverage bar for my kids…and the sandwich bar, ice cream bar, and the pancake bar. Before I know it, it’s time for the next meal once I get done cleaning up after the last one. Sheesh! Anyways, I had this fun idea for the kids…
The amazing food of Seaside, FL
If your human & you love food, then you know…that food is a MAJOR part of any vacation! This Summer we took our family vacation to Seaside, Florida and were thrilled to be hosted by Barefoot BBQ for some delicious BBQ, A M A Z I N G (and I really do mean = amazing!)…
Life is Beauty Full Chalkboard Printable
Hello Lovelies! Wishing you all a B E A U T Y F U L L weekend! Here’s a fun quirky twist to a typical chalkboard printable for all of you! I thought it would be fun to shake things up a bit. I like to do that, you know. Because who wants to…
My Favorite Energy Drink Recipe
You know in the Summertime, we parents realize how much teachers are underpaid. It doesn’t matter if you work outside the home or in, you know around 2,3,4 o’clock – you want to blow the whistle & make everything stop & be quiet. Because we are loosing our fizz or mojo (or even our cool!)…
Peaches and Cream Ice Box Pie with a Gingersnap Crust
I do declare, this Peaches & Cream Ice Box Pie with a Gingersnap Crust is pure Southern comfort all wrapped into a pie dish. And what can be better than a ice box pie for Summer??? I’m not going to lie about this one. It isn’t the “prettiest” looking pie I’ve ever seen or…
Stay Together through Skype
Do you Skype? I recently started using Skype & I must say, I love it! It’s instantaneous, fun & an amazing way to communicate with just one or with a group of people. It so simple & easy, and the cost is really low! It’s a service you can download for free on your…
Celebrating ALL things Summer – a link up party!
Hello & thanks for coming over to join our CELEBRATING ALL THINGS SUMMER link up party. The group of us cannot wait to see what you all have been up too! This Summer link party is for ALL Summer projects, recipes & DIY that you’ve been working on, not just July 4th – but ALL…