Some days, I need an ole’ kick in the booty to get me going in the afternoon. After experimenting with the 100 calorie ice cream sandwich, I think I’ve found a new fave – a Banana Split Smoothie. You’ll be surprised where I found them & how cheap they really are! Hello! I’m so glad you’re…
Hearty Bacon Minestrone
There’s nothing like eating comfort food when the weather is cold or when you’re sick. One of my many favorite go-to comfort foods is soup. I love a steamy hot bowl of {any} soup. It’s love in a bowl! Tidy Mom, who I adore & was lucky enough to meet 3 weeks ago, has decided…
free printable tag for the Valentine Confetti
Okay all you salty & sweet Valentine Confetti lovers out there ~ I’ve got a free printable tag for you to place on your bags of Confetti! I honestly think you all are the sweetest readers out there! MooMoo’s & Tutus made these for anyone & everyone!!! I didn’t ask, she just sent me an email…
Easy Red Velvet Pancakes
My inspiration for making these pancakes came from my friend Steve, an old college friend. I find myself often living vicariously through his FB status or his tweets. A couple of months ago he posted a picture of his breakfast that he was having in a bistro that happened to be in San Diego. (yeah,…
Valentine Confetti
I promise you’ll thank me later for this! This Valentine Confetti is so good & addicting! Edited to add: This Valentine Confetti is an older post, that I published in 2011! Yes, I’ve been around that long. This recipe has gone viral with good reason! Because it is so delicious! Here are a few things…
Valentine Confetti
+ melt & combine with your favorite microwave popcorn stir = Confetti Bliss! Just so you know, popcorn, M&M’s & jelly beans rank really high in our house & are considered staples. I saw this recipe somewhere last year right after Valentine’s. For the life of me, I can’t remember where, but knew immediately is…
Hallelujah Ham Rolls
GOT HAM??? As in tons of leftover Ham? This recipe is for you! I was first introduced to this recipe years ago by a dear family friend. It is so easy & will make you say “HALLELUJAH” with your first bite. *Vegetarians might want to look away* * * * Like with every house, after…
hazelnut chocolate & pumpkin panini
Don’t hate me. Some days I have commitment issues with my ham & cheese sandwich. All that’s need: pumpernickel & rye bread (Pepperridge Farm Bread)NutellaPumpkin Butter (from Fresh Market or wherever you can find some)a panini maker -OR- a George Foreman grill (what I used)dusting of powered sugar Needless to say, I personally thought this was really…
my love/hate relationship with bulk cooking
We all want to eat good & healthy, save a buck & spend time with our family, right? My personal solution to the above = bulk cooking! Every Thursday my kitchen & I have a date. We’ve been in this bulk cooking relationship for about 4 months now, it’s a love/hate kinda relationship. But boy,…
what to do with the leftover pumpkin???
After making my pumpkin chocolate chip muffins, or really anything that calls for pumpkin, you always seem to have a little pumpkin left over. Are you with me on this? I hate wasting good pumpkin, soooo….last year I came up with this easy add-on recipe to combine with any regular pancake recipe you have. Trust me, it…